Scavenger hunts

Scavenger hunts Game

This game is fun and exciting for people of all ages. For those unfamiliar with how it works, make a list of items, assign groups of people to go out, and "scavenge" all of the items before the other groups. Meanwhile, one group member stumbles around blindfolded, and another can watch with their hands tied behind their back. Also, you could make things interesting by offering a grand prize for the winning team.

Scavenger Hunts Rules:

  • Divide participants into teams. If there's an odd number of players, permit 1 group of 3 or similar.
  • Designate every group having a name or color to ensure that they can determine which clues are theirs.
  • Decide the number of hints every group will need to look for depending on the available amount of time and the clues' difficulty. These hints must direct the group toward the next clue having something as an easy riddle or perhaps a description of its place.
  • Instruct all teams to wait outside the playing location to ensure the officials can set up the game.
  • For the initial clue, describe the place exactly where the following clue will likely be situated. Around the 2nd clue, refer to where the 3rd clue might be and put this clue exactly where the very first clue describes. Keep on this method for the number of clues as determined earlier. The last clue must instruct groups to send back to someone managing the game. On every clue, mark the clue number and show which group it's intended for.
  • Please do it again, the prior step for every group.
  • Invite all groups back into the playing location.
  • For every group, tie a blindfold to more than 1 player's eyes and tie the hands of the other player with each other behind her back. The player with hands tied must direct the blindfolded person towards the clues and tell them to carry the clues.
  • Give every group their initial clue to begin the game.
  • Announce the winning group as soon as each group retrieves all their hints and award them a prize.
  • Get creative with this game! It's so easy to plan on the fly, and it can be a huge icebreaker for people who don't know each other. Use a camera to document all the silly things people do on their lists to remember how great your party was!

More Ideas for a list of items for teams to collect:

  • Balloon
  • Band-aid
  • Bobby pin
  • Boxtops
  • Brown paper bag
  • Business card
  • Candy wrapper
  • Canceled stamp
  • Cotton swab
  • Coupon
  • Dryer sheet
  • Empty toilet paper rolls
  • Golf tee
  • Hotel guest soap
  • Receipt of the grocery bill
  • Menu
  • Local landmark
  • Paper airplane
  • Paper clip
  • Pencil
  • Penny
  • Paper plate
  • Piece of chalk
  • Plastic Easter egg
  • plastic spoon
  • Recipe
  • Soup can label
  • Straw
  • Ticket stub
  • Yarn, etc.

Use phones to collect photos or provide the team with a bag or something to collect all the goods in.


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